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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Children Learning Assessment


Children Learning Assessment

(Reference: http://www.funful.hk/index.php/regular-assessment/)

What children will learn at different ages …

2 to 3 years


· Can recite from A to Z

· Basic Simple English conversation

· Understand simple English instructions from teachers

· Recognition of English alphabet


· Can Count from 1 to 20

· Recognition of colours and shapes

· Understand the concepts of “one” and “two”

Reading & Speech

· Know how to answer one’s name and age when asked

· Know simple instructions

· Recognition of common objects and pictures

· Understand nouns and adjectives

· To be an inquirer

Small Muscles

· Draw vertical and horizontal lines with pencil

· Using blocks to build simple models

· Can turn pages of a book one by one


 · Learn to wait for one’s turn and queue up for games

· Sharing with others

· Imitating the behaviour of adults and peers

· Like to play with playmates

3 to 4 years


· Understand English teacher’s instructions

· Can communicate in English with teachers

· Recognition of small and capital letters from A to Z

· Understand simple English story


· Can count from 1 to 30

· Know how to classify and matching

· Recognition of colours and shapes

· Count 3 to 4 objects correctly

· Understand the concept of quantity, e.g. small, big; heavy,Tall, short; long, short

Reading & Speech

· Love to listen to simple stories

· Can repeat the content of the story

· Can use more than 100 phrases

· Can listen to more than 2 instructions from adults

· Can use pronouns “you”, “I”, “she” correctly

· Can recite a nursery rhyme or a poem of the Tang Dynasty


· can hold a pencil like an adult

· can draw circular and rectangular patterns

· learn to write from 1 to 10

· Learn to write simple words like “up”, “down”, “mouth”, “cow”, and “moon”

· Can draw meaningful shapes like a man, fruit and the sun

Social Skills

· Love to play imaginative games and character mining

· can co-operate with other children in games

· can control one’s behaviour and observe rules

· can observe other people’s feeling-distinguish happy, angry, sad and joy

4 to 5 years


· understand and answer teacher’s questions

· can read English story books independently

· can pronounce English correctly

· can communicate fluently with teachers


· Recognition of numbers from 1 to 100

· even and odd numbers from 1 to 50

· know how to count more than 10 objects

· addition and subtraction within 10

Reading and Speech

· speak fluently, can use adult’s phrases and grammar

· when speaking, can respond to the related topics

· can repeat part of the story heard

· can describe a recent event

· can speak and understand Putonghua


· Can write English vocabulary and simple sentences

· Can write Chinese phrases

· Can draw accurate and detailed images

Social skills

· can control self emotion and observe community regulations

· express one’s own need and share toys with others. Return borrowed objects

· participate in organized games

· can tell the names of his friends and choose favourite play-mates

5 to 6 years


· Can repeat the content of a story in English

· Know how to use more than 100 English phrases

· Can spell simple English phrases


· Odd and even numbers from 1 to 100

· Recognition of time

· the year, months and days of the week

· know the differences between 1/2, 1/3, 1/4

Reading & Speech

· Can continue a story

· Love to listen to jokes and riddles

· Can tell one’s address and a few telephone numbers

· Can speak simple sentences in Putonghua


· Can write sentences in English and Chinese

· Can compose English and Chinese sentences

· Recite and write from 1 to 100

Social skills

· Love to imitate, e.g acting as policemen, parents or doctors

· Knowing the differences between reality and imagination

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